Hello and welcome to the Once Lost web site. By now you have hopefully gone to MP3.com and have liked what you heard, otherwise, why would you be hanging out here? If by some chance you have not heard the music, then you can check out the three songs on line at;

Once Lost Music at MP3.COM

Although we'd love to get signed or sell our music to someone who could do it well, we have made our goal here to focus on the music with no expectations except for personal ones. We plan to just explore our own creative abilities, and put out the most interesting, most honest music we can while having as much fun as I can along the way. We hope that we find people who appreciate what we do, and find it as satisfying to listen to as it was to create.

So, let's take a trip together down the sonic roads of imagination. We'll make the music for you, and when you get it, copy it, put it on a CD and jam with it wherever you want, or buy a CD from MP3.com. We don't mind a bit how you do it. Email us if you have anything you want to say, and we'll write back. Let us know if something we wrote connected with you in some way, and make our day.

Thanks for being here, and for being a part of our band.

Afterall, without listeners, silence has no reason to become music.
